Ocean Mist Blog

Ten Things to Know about Ryan Kelly, Grower Manager, Ocean Mist Farms

Written by Baillie Buhler | June 27, 2018

Ryan started his journey with Ocean Mist Farm in 2005 when he was hired as a Grower Liaison. In the past 13 years Ryan has moved from the field, being a grower’s coach to the business side where he now manages planting and production.

  1. Use three adjectives to describe your typical work day. Not typical, active, and scenic. I am constantly traveling to our fields to make sure that I know what is going on and can make the right production calls.
  2. What is your best memory to date of Ocean Mist Farms? The best times I have had have come after challenging production years. The satisfaction I get from overcoming bad seasons leave me with the greatest feeling of satisfaction.
  3. What is your favorite Ocean Mist Farms product?  The artichoke. It is one of the most challenging commodities to grow, which makes me want to work even harder to make sure we get it right. And their taste is incomparable to anything else. I actually drink the water I have cooked them in…ARTICHOKE TEA! I will drink it plain or add it into smoothies.
  4. What is your personal motto? “Hard work and persistence pays off” It is a motto that I can see in my everyday life whether it comes to work and farming or being at home with my wife and three daughters.
  5. What did you want to be when you grew up? I always knew I wanted to be outside working with plants in some way. The agriculture business is something I have always wanted to be involved in.
  6. What is your hidden talent? I wouldn’t say that it is hidden or even a talent but I do love to fish.
  7. What is your most prized possession? My family.
  8. Name something on your bucket list? Definitely to travel to Europe. I have been to North and South America, but never over to Europe. I hope that is something I get to do.
  9. What is the best advice you’ve received? The best advice I have ever received was that being a grower or farmer is fine, but to be sure I was able to understand and get involved with the business side of the industry. I have made sure to do that.
  10. What do you never leave the house without? My phone.  It rings all day.