Ocean Mist Blog

The Top 5 Ingredients for a Successful Ocean Mist Farms Vegetable Grower

Written by Ocean Mist Farms | December 20, 2017

There are many romantic qualities of working the land as a grower of fresh vegetables.  A few of my personal favorites are watching the beautiful sun rise over the artichoke fields in the morning, or watching the wind blowing across a field of fennel fronds, while enjoying the fresh aroma of black licorice. Romantic, right?

Ocean Mist Farms Fennel fields in Coachella, CA

But, as romantic as it sounds, farming is not an easy living and every day has its challenges. Here’s our top 5 list of what it takes to be a successful grower with Ocean Mist Farms.

1. Great People. Our growers, the harvest team, the forklift drivers and every individual involved along the way that make it possible for you to have fresh produce on your table every day.

Brussels sprouts harvest crew, Castroville, CA

2. The Right Supplies in the Field – We are growing in at least 4 different locations right now, and pack directly in the field. Smart logistics of packaging materials is key.

Field-harvest and packaging of Ocean Mist Farms celery, Coachella, CA

3. Good Boots & A Truck. Farmers are on their feet and are in a truck most of the day. Driving to each field and walking crop rows to survey crops near and far. A lot of miles are logged on both truck and feet. Fun Fact: One of our farmers trucks had almost 500,000 miles in its lifetime.

Farmer reviewing the lettuce crop

4. Working around Mother Nature. The Santa Ana winds fueling the fires in southern California, have bruised our artichokes in Oxnard, CA. We are currently harvesting Frost-Kissed ® Artichokes because of the freezing temperatures in Coachella, CA. We grow and harvest in at least four different locations year-round to ensure that we ship only quality fresh produce all year long. Sometimes the elements outside aren’t the easiest to work with, but our successful Ocean Mist Farms growers makes it happen!

Artichoke bruised form the Santa Ana winds

5. “Only Quality in the Box.” That is actually a saying here at Ocean Mist Farms, during our weekly production meetings. Our strict quality standards are part of our company mission and it is a daily goal of Ocean Mist Farms growers…

"Our mission is to provide our customers with only the very best quality artichokes and other fresh vegetables with uncompromising service…every day.”

VP of Operations, Chris Drew checking on the quality of artichokes in the field in Castroville, CA

As you gather around the table with your loved ones and enjoy fresh vegetables this holiday season, we encourage you to remember these Top 5 ingredients that helped make it happen. Happy Holidays!