Ocean Mist Farms Frost-Kissed® artichokes are truly a specialty item and the very definition of ‘don’t judge a book by its cover.’ Created naturally after enduring a frost – which occurs when the temperature drops to 32 degrees or colder – the artichokes’ skin blisters and darkens a bit due to the freezing condition.

The brown outer layer is strictly cosmetic, similar to a sunburn, and peels off once cooked, resulting in a green (cooked) artichoke that people are familiar with. The browning of the exterior petals of the artichoke in no way affects the eatability or quality of the artichoke and actually seals in a distinctive nuttier flavor that many consumers prefer.
These unique artichokes with their savory nutty flavor are only offered by Ocean Mist Farms, and are only available on a limited basis after a frost occurs in our winter desert growing region in Coachella, CA. They are very much a seasonal item in the sense that in the winter of 2022-2023 there were no frosts, so no Frost-Kissed artichokes found their way into the marketplace, much to the disappointment of many artichoke aficionados.

As much as frosts can be destructive to vegetation and farming, sometimes Mother Nature produces something truly amazing from what many consider to be an unfortunate growing condition.
Our first Frost-Kissed crop of the season was harvested a few weeks ago in January. With the cold and inclement weather continuing, we may be getting a second wave of these distinctively flavored artichokes this winter making them intermittently available during the month of February. If you do see them in your produce department, we hope you give them a try and message us on social media to let us know your thoughts on the flavor.
Look for these petal inserts for Frost-Kissed artichokes in your produce department.