California Authorized Agent Designation

California Consumer Privacy Act

California residents have the right to designate an authorized person or corporate entity1 to exercise rights granted to them under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”). To make this designation, California residents may complete and submit this form to Ocean Mist Farms.

If Ocean Mist Farms is unable to verify the identity of the person submitting this form, we may request additional information from the person making the submission. Authorized agents that have been provided a power of attorney from a consumer may submit requests directly on behalf of that consumer so long as proof of such power is submitted along with the consumer request form.

Consumer's Information

State of Residence(Required)
The CCPA and this Agent Designation FORM applies to California Residents only.

Authorized Agent's Information

Agent's Name(Required)
Agent's Address(Required)
By signing below, I authorize the agent identified above to make the following types of requests on my behalf to Ocean Mist Farms:(Required)
Please deliver any information requested by my authorized agent to:(Required)

1 If designating an entity to act on your behalf, Ocean Mist Farms requires that such entity be registered with the California Secretary of State. Ocean Mist Farms will not provide information to unregistered agents.
2 Ocean Mist Farms does not currently sell any personal information belonging to consumers and, therefore, does not permit and will not respond to requests to opt-out at this time.