CASTROVILLE, Calif. – JULY 21, 2016 – As record-setting heat blazes across most of the country, artichokes could be America’s favorite new summer vegetable with recipes that don’t require work in the kitchen.
Ocean Mist Farms, the largest grower of fresh artichokes in North America, now sells two cleaned and ready to cook fresh artichokes in its award winning Season & Steam package. What makes this value-added bag unique is the ability to open prior to cooking, season the contents reseal and cook in the microwave for seven minutes. The culinary experts at Ocean Mist Farms suggest throwing the microwaved artichokes on the grill for a few last minutes to gain a charred/nutty flavor.
For something really different, however, the company created Artichoke Ice Pops. The secret again is using the Season& Steam artichokes to whip up these cool pops.
“We know families are busy this summer and helping parents get healthy, delicious meals on the table is our goal,” said Diana McClean, director of marketing. “People love the lime flavored artichoke ice pops; we hope everyone gives them a try.”