Ocean Mist Blog

Brussels Sprouts 3 Ways

Written by Ocean Mist Farms. | April 4, 2018

Do you ever look in your fridge at the end of a long day and feel a lack of enthusiasm?  Dinner prep boredom has put a damper on my cooking mood way too many times, so now I keep a variety of easy recipe ideas at the ready that include our favorite veggies. Brussels sprouts are one of our favorite go-tos of course, and fortunately I’ve found 3 unique and flavorful ways to use them in our weekly menu. Dinner prep boredom gone! 

SuperShreds Apple and Bacon Salad

Salads are a regular part of our weekly dinner menu because they’re easy to throw together and there’s are so many ways to mix it up with toppings and dressings. One of my family’s favorite salads is this SuperShreds Apple and Bacon Salad.  The sweet and tangy flavor combination is topped only by its extra nutritional value with nutrient dense Brussels sprouts as the leafy base. It’s a win-win!

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Bacon

Let’s be real – any time I can add bacon to the menu, my family is going to love it.  And I certainly don’t mind how simple this recipe is.  Roasted Brussels sprouts have always been one of my personal favorites and the homemade white balsamic vinaigrette really takes them up a notch.  I also highly recommend this dish for potlucks.   When the sprouts are finished cooking, just toss them in a slow cooker on low to keep warm and voila!  Potluck dinner is ready to go!

Marinated Brussels Sprouts

I love that this recipe lets me skimp on prep without skimping on flavor. The Season & Steam sprouts’ cook time has helped me pull off a quick appetizer more than once. These Marinated Brussels Sprouts come together with just one additional ingredient, bottled Italian dressing, which I always make sure to have on hand in my pantry. Just add toothpicks and a beautiful dish and you are ready to serve!

So now that you have three new ways to kick the dinner boredom, which one will you start with? Make sure that you let me know if one of these recipes becomes one of your family’s favorites too.