Ocean Mist Blog

What's on My Holiday Table

Written by Ocean Mist Farms. | December 23, 2020

We are looking forward to an intimate holiday dinner this year. Both of my kids will be home from college, and the four of us are doing things a bit different. With less guests to feed, we are being a little more choosy with our sides and sticking to the essentials. Here's what we'll have on our table this year!


Brussels Sprouts Are a Must! 

Holiday dinners always include Brussels sprouts. This year, I'll be making sautéed Brussels with our Season & Steam line because they're washed and ready to go. I may throw in bacon like this recipe, and in year's past I've used the Supershreds for delicious shredded Brussels with cranberries and apples for the perfect winter salad. 

Big, Fresh Salad

Second, we have a great salad at most family meals. We love a big leafy salad with plenty of vegetables, like:

Holiday Ham

For the main, we'll have a restaurant-quality ham bought from our friend Chef Tony Baker with Baker's Bacon. I love to use the leftovers to add to a breakfast skillet, pizza, or a baked potato soup.  And whatever we can't use up in a few days, we'll freeze and eat on all year!

Elevate the Experience

And speaking of restaurant quality, with more people staying in, we're seeing a spike in people ordering artichokes for eating and gifting on Goldbelly. It's all about elevating the experience at home these days, and we'll be doing the same.  Plus, we're fortunate to be able to eat early and enjoy the sunny and crisp California weather. Wherever you are, we're wishing you and yours a merry and heathy holiday!